강원대학교 AIMS 프로그램


2022 Spring : WELLEM CALVIN

페이지 정보

작성자 : AIMS 날짜 : 작성일22-09-07 15:13 조회 : 37,515회



Wellem Calvin from BINUS University, Indonesia

1.What is the most fascinating experience in korea ? 

I meet a lot of new friends either is an international friends or Korean friends and they very welcoming me. Like I have an Korean friend and she like give me a tour in seoul and im very happy with that. 

2. How did you overcome the challenge during your stay in korea 

My challenge was a language barrier because some of Korean people didn’t know how to speak English well so I start to learn more Korean language to be able to talk with Korean people and im very grateful that AIMS program afford a Korean class for AIMS student 

3. Advise to future AIMS student 

Please enjoy your time with AIMS because this chance is once in your lifetime HWAITING!! 

4. How you describe KNU AIMS program 

KNU AIMS program was really great and I really enjoy the program that they give to us like busan trip or wonju trip or even they made a good festival that called UCW and its really fun for me. 

5. What is the most impressive experience in KNU 

Of course meet a lot of new friends in this campus and have a great time together in KNU and even some professor take us to have lunch or dinner together and that experience is new for me because in Indonesia its rare to do that. 


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